Armenian Journal of Health & Medical Sciences

Quality assurance of new generation linear accelerators in radiation therapy

Quality assurance of new generation linear accelerators in radiation therapy

Paruyr M. Antonyan1, Lusine М. Muradyan2, Diana M. Muradyan3

1 “IRA Medical Group” Medical Center, Yerevan, Armenia
2 Fanarjyan National Center of Oncology, Yerevan, Armenia
3 Heratsi Yerevan State Medical University, Yerevan, Armenia


This paper covers the issues related to the quality assurance of new generation linear accelerators. The required tests which are used in modern treatment technologies are described. Up-to-date literature, reports, and sources of international professional associations in this field are presented. The article may be interesting and useful for radiation oncologists, medical physicists, engineers, radiation technicians, medical residents, postgraduate students, and other professionals.

Keywords: radiation therapy, quality assurance, modern technologies of treatment, tests

DOI: 10.54235/27382737-2023.v3.1-12